Kombiglyze Lawsuit Lawsuits


If you or a family member took any of the below named drugs to treat Type 2 diabetes and or died as a result of congestive heart failure or other cardiovascular or pancreas complications, a Kombiglyze and Onglyze lawsuit attorney from Tosi Law, LLC would like to discuss your case with you. These two lawsuits were filed against GlaxoSmithKline, also referred to as SmithKline Pharmaceuticals.

This is a drug manufacturing and pharmaceutical company that produce insulin and different kinds of medications for diabetics. Its main goal is to “promote effective and safe treatment of Type II diabetes.” According to the FDA, GlaxoSmithKline has been the subject of a number of investigations by the FDA, which concluded in June of 2021 that the company’s products were of low quality. Since the FDA sent this news out, many lawsuits have been filed against GlaxoSmithKline.

Kombiglyze Lawsuit

The lawsuits were filed by families who claim that GlaxoSmithKline failed to warn their patients of the possible side effects from their medications. For example, one of the lawsuits against GlaxoSmithKline states that one of its antihypertensive medicines, Elavil, was unfit to treat patients with hypertension because it could cause excessive side effects. The lawsuit also states that one of its heart medicines, Lipitor, caused patients to experience congestive heart failure and damage their kidney function.

These lawsuits come as a result of the Kombiglyze and Onglyze lawsuits.

This type of multidistrict litigation is a type of civil lawsuit wherein many medical personnel are involved. Many times the plaintiffs’ families are allowed to sue together with doctors and other people who may have a personal connection to the plaintiffs. Attorneys in a law firm specializing in these types of lawsuits will represent the parties. In this case, it is the Kombiglyze law firm that is representing the drug company.

If a plaintiff wins their suit, they may be able to collect financial compensation to pay for their loss and the medical bills that go with it.

If the plaintiff is unable to work, the court can award wages to compensate the plaintiffs. However, if a drug company’s negligence causes a person to have a disability or die, GlaxoSmithKline has to pay for their mistakes through the multidistrict litigation process.

GlaxoSmithKline was sued on behalf of its two drugs, Elavil and Lipitor.

The company was found to have mislabeled its antihypertensive medication Elavil. When the plaintiff tried to get the case thrown out, the court ruled in favor of GlaxoSmithKline. The manufacturer was ordered to pay over four million dollars to the families of patients that suffered from cardiovascular disease because their diet caused their blood sugar levels to spike. Another problem was that one of the drugs, sitagliptin, was also listed as an inactive ingredient on the product’s label.

A Kombiglyze lawsuit is similar to a class action lawsuit, but instead of people bringing their own personal case to court, they bring a legal action in which they sue the manufacturer of the drugs responsible for their disability.

The details of this type of case vary greatly depending on where the defective drug was manufactured and the amount of negligence involved. In general, in this type of case, a person is granted a monetary settlement for past and future medical expenses, lost wages, future medical bills, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and other factors. However, before a Kombiglyze lawsuit can be filed in California, the plaintiff must show proof that the drug company knew about the defect and did nothing to warn them. This proof must be strong enough to warrant class action status.

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