Class Action Lawsuit for Ford F150


Six plaintiffs have just filed a class-action lawsuit against Ford Motor Co., alleging it knowingly sells certain vehicles with defective engine parts that cause safety and performance issues. Plaintiffs cite in their class-action lawsuit an email from a Ford dealer to Ford representatives instructing them on the steps to take when a customer brought his car into the shop. The email provided a template for a complaint to be filed in the Class Action lawsuit.

Plaintiffs say they were buying cars at popular car lots at highly marked-up prices with all-inclusive warranties.

When they brought their cars to the Ford dealer, they were instructed by the dealership to bring the car to the repair shop that manufactured the Ford motor. The complaint says the cars were “delayed” at the dealership’s repair shop which caused a need to bring the car back to the original dealership to have the problem repaired. According to the complaint, this caused the car to be diagnosed with a “defective design.” Ford then allegedly “knowingly” sold the cars with defective parts after telling the car owners they could only bring their car to the dealership’s repair shop.

The complaint further claims the Ford Motor Company knew or should have known that selling cars with aftermarket engines posed a serious risk of causing potentially fatal problems such as, “the parts [are] not approved for [the car’s] design by [its] manufacturer under the manufacturer’s warranty and such parts are not guaranteed for [the car’s] continued use.” The Class Action lawsuit further claims Ford knew or should have known that selling these cars would cause substantial injury and suffering to Classifieds Claimants. Plaintiffs further claim Ford was aware of this danger through a “pattern of negligence and breach of representations” which led to substantial damages. The car companies’ factories, plants, and dealerships were negligent in their duty to warn the Classifieds Claimants that they were putting themselves and other individuals in danger if they did not purchase the correct car.

This class action lawsuit is the latest case involving Ford F150s. In June of 2021, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Ford for selling a car with a defective gas tank. In that lawsuit, plaintiffs claimed they suffered personal injury as a result of the gas tank exploding and hydrocarbon spewing out. A settlement was reached between the car manufacturers and the complainants.

Class Action lawsuits are a common place for car manufacturers and dealerships to be hit. In many cases, defective products have been allowed to remain on the market despite evidence of unreliability and safety risks.

The Class Action lawsuit technique has been used in several recent high-profile cars recalls as well. The Class Action lawsuit technique is the filing of a lawsuit amongst a large number of consumers to force car manufacturers and dealerships to pay out for injuries or losses caused as a result of defective products or substandard manufacturing by dealers.

Ford F150 owners should consider contacting a Class Action Lawyer to assist them in filing a complaint regarding the Ford F150’s warranty and the dealership’s refusal to honor the warranty. A Class Action lawsuit is an arrangement among a group of individuals who have a legitimate claim to obtain redress for injuries or losses sustained as a result of defective products. The Ford F150’s warranty was canceled after a Ford dealer failed to abide by federal, automotive laws which require car manufacturers to honor all warranties. This means Ford could face huge monetary damages if it’s found on the Ford F150’s warranty was honored by Ford but was voided by the dealership. If you are a Ford F150 owner or currently own a Ford F150 and have encountered this situation, contact a Class Action Lawyer to discuss your case.

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