Drive By Lawsuit


People Sue Over Drive-By Blogging

The use of drive by lawsuit to protect your business from being sued is often a smart move for business owners. Unfortunately, many business owners make the mistake of believing that the only way they can be sued for actual damages is when a lawsuit is brought against them after an accident. This is simply not true. A person who has been injured in an accident can file a personal injury lawsuit against the person that caused the accident. Additionally, they may even be able to sue for property damage as well.

One example of this is the recent Google lawsuit that resulted in the company paying out over one billion dollars. Google’s ranking system in particular was found to be faulty and the search engine giant has paid out over six billion dollars in claims in the past few months. It is for this reason that many business owners are now opting to file a lawsuit against companies that they feel could be responsible for these damages. However, it must be noted that most of these cases are being pursued by the same attorneys. This is often due to the fact that these lawsuits will cost far less than those that would be pursued by bringing a personal injury lawsuit against a corporation.

In one instance, an individual was suing Google because they claimed that the company’s search engine results were inaccurate. An individual was sued because they were not able to find information concerning the search results. This resulted in them losing a significant amount of money. The problem here is that there are actually two separate elements to what is commonly known as a Google lawsuit. The individual that was sued was not seeking monetary compensation for damages as the company was not being negligent in any way. Rather, the individual was seeking damages for emotional distress.

Another good example of how these lawsuits are frequently pursued is with regards to a case that was brought against John Morris. Mr. Morris was an employee of Yahoo! when he created an eBook which resulted in the same complaint being brought against the internet search engine giant. The complaint in this instance resulted in Mr. Morris being demoted and had to pay a substantial amount of money to settle the matter. In the drive by lawsuit that was ultimately ruled in favor of Mr. Morris, it was noted that Yahoo! had no business action against Mr. Morris, as he had only engaged in contractual employment with the internet giant and had not actually created any products.

Many other incidents in which individuals have been sued for breach of contract or for simply exercising their right to freedom of speech occur each year in which people are suing companies for breach of contract or simply for not having enough parking space. For example, someone who owns a loading dock may be sued by a company that owns a loading dock for breach of contract if they did not allow another loading dock business access to the loading dock. There may also be a case in which a person is suing a company for not providing adequate parking space or for parking on the public road. In these instances, a judge is likely to rule in favor of the plaintiff or the plaintiffs if the plaintiffs have standing to bring the lawsuit.

Recently, another member of the YMCA board has been sued by a resident of Florida for exercising her right to freedom of speech. Tiffany Morris was the former communications director for the Miami-Dade County Public Library system when she refused to remove a Ten Commandments poster from the library which outlines the Ten Commandments. Ms. Morris was also the treasurer for the Miami-Dade County Libraries until last year when she received the Ten Commandments poster as a gift. In recent days, Ms. Morris has received numerous anonymous phone calls, e-mails, and complaints because of the fact that she refused to remove the poster.

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