Class Action Lawsuit Against BlueGreen Corporation


Four named plaintiffs have recently filed a proposed class action lawsuit where they charge that Bluegreen Vacations Unlimited, Inc., and Bluegreen Vacations Corporation have violated a Wisconsin state law which prohibits referral advertising of timeshares. According to the complaint, the defendants have advertised their timeshare through direct sales and third party marketing efforts without disclosing that they are violating the statute. Additionally, the complaint contends that the defendants have failed to warn consumers that they are advertising a timeshare within the state when they knew or should have known that such advertising would be prohibited. This lawsuit is in an attempt to hold the defendants accountable for advising people of timeshare sales when they did not inform the purchasers that they were not licensed to sell timeshares within the state.

The complaint further contends that defendant’s sales representatives repeatedly made false representations to customers as to how much timeshare points could be saved by signing up for a program. Additionally, it further charges that Bluegreen agents encouraged individuals to purchase real property at a very high price in order to make large sales. Many of the plaintiffs received direct quotes from Bluegreen Vacations Unlimited, Inc.’s sales representatives which indicated that they could purchase 100% points on their properties. At this point, the plaintiffs were advised by the representatives that they could not receive such high amounts.

The complaint further contends that the defendants repeatedly used false pretenses in order to illegally charge maintenance fees and other additional fees from its clients. For example, it charges its clients for travel expense coverage when the property was not even used during the time that was quoted for the vacation. In addition, it is alleged that the company sold vacationers units that were structurally flawed, in violation of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. Also, according to the complaint, the company misrepresented to the plaintiffs that they could avoid paying any state income taxes by purchasing a timeshare.

After these illegal activities were discovered, the defendants finally admitted their guilt and were required to pay their clients a sizeable settlement. Yet, the defendants insist on continuing to pursue its claim in court, claiming that the plaintiffs failed to provide proper notice of their intention to sue the company and that they waived their rights to damages solely because they signed a form in front of a notary public. But, plaintiffs maintain that this argument is not relevant because they never intended to sue Bluegreen Vacations Unlimited for breach of contract and fraud and did not receive adequate warning that their rights would be terminated by purchasing units in its Vacation Club. Therefore, the Class Action lawsuit asserts that the defendants’ claims are frivolous and intend to force the plaintiffs into paying tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees and damages.

This is just another class action lawsuit against Bluegreen, and it is being filed by attorneys representing residents of Ohio, California, New York, Florida, and many other locations throughout the United States. There are also class-action lawsuits against other companies who do not follow set processes to sell foreclosures, such as American Homes for Sale or the National Association of Realtors. The lawsuit asserts that the foreclosures sold by these companies do not comply with the letter of the law and do not provide adequate notice to the plaintiffs that they have the right to redeem their property at no cost.

If you, like many others, are wondering what a timeshare is, this article will explain it. These are vacation packages that are sold by timeshare companies to vacationers who purchase their services by actually living in a specific resort that they are purchasing a week or two at a time. Most timeshare resorts feature beautiful beaches, oceanfront properties with swimming pools, tennis courts, and luxurious clubs. However, not all timeshare packages are created equal. A Bluegreen timeshare lawsuit against the company that sells many timeshares will reveal whether or not this particular resort sold timeshares at fair market value or at an inflated price, which violates the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

15 thoughts on “Class Action Lawsuit Against BlueGreen Corporation

  1. Can other people who have experienced the same issues be involved in this lawsuit? Wisconsin resident, the sale took place at Bluegreen in Las Vegas.

    1. We would love to be part of a class action suit too. We have always been made to feel like marketing opportunities, not “owners” per-se, and we were even suckered in to upgrading from our original 7,000 point plan to a 13,000 point plan. Of course, the “deeded” property is also part of the sham and totally worthless.
      I have been trying for years to give back the Bluegreen Vacation Plan “deed” and get out of the plan because we are getting way up there in age and can’t travel any more but they just give me the runaround every year. Now I see on TUG that Bluegreen started charging 1 1/2 times the annual maintenance fee as of January 2024 to terminate your relationship with them when you no longer want it (or are unable to travel, and can’t sell it or even give it away). The annual maintenance fees alone are now presenting a financial hardship, let alone paying Bluegreen or someone else to get out of it.

  2. purchased in orlando fl same falsified promises as e other owners like to be included in suit

  3. I’m interested in getting involved in this suit as well. I was given many falsified promises when purchasing this and would like very much to get out of this Time Share.

  4. I would love to be part of a class action suit against Bluegreen. I was able to stop the bleeding and get out of my timeshare but I had to give everything back to them. Lost more money than a bad nightmare. I would be happy with getting just half my money back. They are so corrupt with their lies, high pressure sales, etc.

  5. When i joined, I was promised that Bluegreen was not a timeshare and that they were different! This is my 3rd rodeo and I here to tell you, they are NO different!

  6. iS IT TOO LATE FOR ME? I do not go for the presentations because of all the lies I have been told before I buy then afterwards you can’t get them to call you back.

  7. I would like to be apart of this lawsuit and other. Bluegreen has promised several things that were fictious and now they have joined with a company a maintenance fees are out the roof

  8. It seems that there are plenty of people with similar complaints, including my own that include falsifications and misrepresentations to purchase additional Bluegreen shares, causing considerable financial difficulties to my retirement.

  9. I would also like to know how to pursue a suit against Bluegreen. When we bought in, we were told we could keep accumulating points year after year. We’ve done it several times paying the fee to save, and just realized that they are only good for ONE year!!!! We are paying an arm and a leg and want our points or money back!!

  10. We would like to be added to this lawsuit. We felt HIGH pressured while we were in Florida to add Travelers Plus to our portfolio. We also feel that they misrepresented Bluegreen & Travelers Plus which is a hardship to us financially. We tried to cancel the Travelers Plus but were told we had to cancel within 10 days. We were still traveling and thought we had 30 days to cancel so it was pretty much too bad so sad for us as Bluegreen owners.

  11. I would like to be included in the class action suit. The maintenance fees increased way to this year.

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