Tremco Roofing Lawsuit Settlement


In a recent settlement of a Tremco Roofing lawsuit, the company will pay $61 million to settle the allegations that it submitted false claims under defective roofing contracts. A whistleblower named Gregory Rudolph filed the lawsuit after he discovered that Tremco had been selling costly roofing materials to government customers while failing to inform them of cheaper alternatives. This led to the government overpaying Tremco for roofing products and installation.

Tremco Roofing products have latent defects

A recent lawsuit alleges that Tremco, Inc. sold defective roofing materials to commercial building owners. A former employee testified that Tremco failed to disclose the true nature of its roofing systems and sold them to homeowners and government entities as well as through contractors. In response, Tremco agreed to pay more than $60 million to settle the lawsuit. In a separate lawsuit, consumers alleging that Tremco Roofing products have latent defects are filing product liability lawsuits.

Despite knowing of the defects, Tremco continues to sell these defective products. The company sold Burmastic 200, 400, and 500 roof systems, which contain defective products. Even though repairs failed to stop leaks, Tremco sold these products anyway. As a result, consumers have been left in a difficult position. In addition to defective roofing materials, Tremco also sells concrete admixtures and grouts, and mortars.

Tremco Roofing sold defective products

The federal government is currently investigating whether Tremco Roofing sold defective roofing products. The company allegedly sold subpar roofing products to homeowners and commercial contractors and failed to properly repair the underlying problems. The government alleges that Tremco Roofing sold defective products by misrepresenting the defects of its materials. A class action lawsuit may be filed as a result of this scandal. Here’s what we know so far.

The investigation was initiated after a whistleblower revealed that the company was selling defective products to commercial builders. In addition to false representations and omissions, Tremco was also accused of marketing and selling faulty products to government purchasers. These claims allege that Tremco concealed the defects of its products and systems, and sold them to consumers for inflated prices. While this case is not yet final, the allegations against the company are promising.

Tremco Roofing gave government discounts

A whistleblower revealed that Tremco Roofing provided the government with false claims and sold roofs that were faulty, failing to give the government adequate information about its pricing and quality control. The company agreed to pay the government $61 million in August after settling a lawsuit brought by thirteen states and one city. The whistleblower alleged that Tremco Roofing overcharged the government for roofing products and installation and installed roofs that were defective.

State officials have no idea which local governments received rebates from Tremco Roofing. The company’s officials declined to identify the local governments that they billed. Miami County, Ohio, denied receiving any reimbursements from Tremco, saying that the company had overcharged the county by hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, a separate investigation by the local law enforcement agency uncovered that Tremco Roofing gave government discounts to local governments.

Tremco Roofing marketed expensive materials without disclosing the availability of cheaper materials

In a recent lawsuit, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York found that Tremco Roofing marketed expensive materials while failing to offer discounts to government buyers. The company failed to give discounts on its roofing products to government buyers and promoted expensive materials without disclosing that they could have been purchased for a lower price. The lawsuit cites numerous examples of Tremco’s conduct.

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