eBay Managed Payments Lawsuit


eBay Managed Payments (MP) is a payment processing system that eBay launched in 2018. MP allows buyers to pay for items on eBay using a variety of payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal. eBay sellers are required to use MP to process payments for all items sold on the platform.

Since its launch, MP has been plagued by problems, including:

  • Glitches and technical issues that have caused delays in payments being released to sellers
  • Unfair hold policies that have resulted in sellers having their funds withheld for long periods of time
  • Poor customer service from eBay representatives

In 2021, a group of eBay sellers filed a class-action lawsuit against the company, alleging that MP is a “flawed and defective system” that has caused sellers to lose millions of dollars in revenue. The lawsuit also alleges that eBay has engaged in unfair and deceptive practices related to MP.

The lawsuit is still ongoing, but it has already had a significant impact on eBay. In 2022, eBay announced that it would be delaying the mandatory rollout of MP to some sellers. The company also said that it was making changes to its hold policies and customer service in response to the lawsuit.


The eBay Managed Payments lawsuit is a significant development for eBay sellers. The outcome of the lawsuit could have a major impact on the way that payments are processed on the eBay platform.


What is the status of the eBay Managed Payments lawsuit?

The lawsuit is still ongoing. A hearing is scheduled for March 2024.

What are the allegations in the lawsuit?

The lawsuit alleges that eBay Managed Payments is a “flawed and defective system” that has caused sellers to lose millions of dollars in revenue. The lawsuit also alleges that eBay has engaged in unfair and deceptive practices related to MP.

Who is eligible to join the class-action lawsuit?

Any eBay seller who has been harmed by eBay Managed Payments is eligible to join the class-action lawsuit.

What are the potential benefits of joining the class-action lawsuit?

If the lawsuit is successful, class members could be eligible for financial compensation.

What are the risks of joining the class-action lawsuit?

There is a risk that the lawsuit could be unsuccessful, in which case class members would not receive any compensation.

How do I join the class-action lawsuit?

You can join the class-action lawsuit by visiting the website of the law firm representing the plaintiffs.


  • eBay Managed Payments Class Action Lawsuit: https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/lawsuit-news/ebay-agrees-to-4-75m-feature-plus-class-action-settlement/
  • eBay Sellers File Class Action Lawsuit Over Managed Payments: https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/lawsuit-news/ebay-agrees-to-4-75m-feature-plus-class-action-settlement/
  • eBay Managed Payments Lawsuit: What You Need to Know: https://resellingrevealed.com/my-experience-on-ebay-managed-payments-did-i-get-scammed/

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