Dove Lawsuit


In 2019, the owners of Lonesome Dove saloon in Mandan, North Dakota, sued the city for trying to ban their mural because it was “intended to advertise an establishment.” The mural, which depicts a sun setting over the mountains with a ranch and cowboys scattered across the landscape, had been up for several months before city officials decided it violated the city’s sign code. The code prohibited murals that conveyed a commercial message.

The saloon owners argued that the sign code was unconstitutional because it violated their First Amendment right to free speech. They also argued that the code was discriminatory because it allowed other types of murals, such as those that depicted historical figures or scenes, to remain up.

A federal judge agreed with the saloon owners and issued a preliminary injunction blocking Mandan from enforcing the sign code against the mural. The judge found that the code was unconstitutional because it was a content-based restriction on speech. The city eventually repealed the sign code and the mural remained up.

Dove author sues publisher for breach of contract

In 1996, author Linda Datig sued her publisher, Dove Books, for breach of contract. Datig alleged that Dove had breached the terms of their publishing agreement by failing to promote her book, “You’ll Never Make Love in This Town Again,” and by interfering with her ability to give interviews to the press.

Dove denied the allegations and argued that Datig had breached the contract by failing to deliver the manuscript on time and by refusing to cooperate with the publisher’s promotional efforts.

The case went to trial in 1997 and a jury found in favor of Datig. The jury awarded her $1.5 million in damages. Dove appealed the verdict, but it was upheld by the California Court of Appeal.

Class action lawsuit filed against Dove Products alleging false advertising

In 2023, a class action lawsuit was filed against Unilever, the parent company of Dove Products, alleging that the company falsely advertised its products as being hypoallergenic and tear-free. The lawsuit alleges that Dove products contain ingredients that can cause skin irritation and eye irritation.

Unilever has denied the allegations and has said that its products are safe and effective. The case is still pending.

It is important to note that these are just a few examples of lawsuits that have been filed against Dove. The company has been involved in a number of other lawsuits over the years, including lawsuits alleging product liability, trademark infringement, and unfair competition.



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