Dr. Darm Lawsuit: Former Business Manager Alleges Harassment, Unsafe Work Environment


In 2019, Dr. Jerry Darm, a cosmetic doctor in Portland, Oregon, was sued by his former business manager, Melissa Neubert, for $558,000. Neubert alleged that Darm had harassed her and created a hostile work environment.

Some of the allegations in the lawsuit included:

  • Darm stored his hair and nail clippings in an office safe.
  • Darm talked about the possibility of being poisoned, and asked Neubert to send away a bag of saline solution to be tested because he feared it had been tampered with by the “Russian mafia.”
  • Darm brought a loaded gun into the office and stored it in an unlocked safe.
  • Darm made inappropriate comments to Neubert, including telling her that she was “pretty” and “sexy.”

The lawsuit also alleged that Darm had a history of unstable behavior, and that he had been reprimanded by the Oregon Medical Board for unprofessional conduct.

Darm denied the allegations in the lawsuit. The case was settled out of court in 2020 for an undisclosed amount of money.

Table of Contents


  • Dr. Darm, known for his commercials on Portland TV, kept hair clippings in office safe, spoke of poisonings, lawsuit claims: https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2019/07/dr-darm-known-for-his-commercials-on-portland-tv-kept-hair-clippings-in-office-safe-spoke-of-poisonings-lawsuit-claims.html
  • Aesthetic Medicine: https://drdarm.com/


  1. www.oregonlive.com/news/2019/07/dr-darm-known-for-his-commercials-on-portland-tv-kept-hair-clippings-in-office-safe-spoke-of-poisonings-lawsuit-claims.html


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