Mylan Lawsuit


Mylan Litigation

Mylan is one of the most well-known and profitable manufacturers of pharmaceuticals. The company has been in business since before we were born and has built a great reputation as a respected pharmaceutical manufacturer that produces top-quality medicines. The Mylan lawsuit was brought about by the plaintiffs who claim that Mylan provided them with contaminated and improper medications. In this article, you will learn what the lawsuit is all about, why it is so important to the safety of Americans and how the class action lawsuit works.

Mylan is one of the many manufacturers under the purview of United States pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co. Merck is a plaintiff in this class action lawsuit. The plaintiff’s claim is that Merck created a product called “tenance spray” that was falsely advertised as a treatment for chronic bronchitis, emphysema and asthma. The plaintiffs say that they purchased the product as directed and suffered grave injuries as a direct result of the product’s use. Mylan is named as a defendant along with other defendants in this case.

The plaintiff’s attorney is asking for a jury trial and claims that Mylan acted unreasonably in providing the auto-injector. Judge crabtree stated that there was sufficient evidence at this point to support a verdict against Merck. The judge further stated that the plaintiffs had a likelihood of prevailing on the claims of negligence and breach of warranty. The court case could go either way, or be held in abeyance pending any appeal.

Teva, the international pharmaceutical group is also a defendant in this case. Teva is the manufacturer of the injector used in the defective product. Teva is one of the more successful plaintiffs in the Mylan case and has so far won claims against Jarrow, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Sanofi Aventis, Cepacor, and KEG Pharmaceuticals. These companies have each settled for financial settlements with the plaintiffs and will now pursue their own lawsuits against Mylan.

The plaintiffs in this case are asking for monetary damages and a class action suit. The claims in the lawsuit seek to hold Teva, Mylan, and other defendants accountable for their product’s negligence. The company has previously settled with state and federal claims for not manufacturing a product that was effective or safe. The company is appealing a lower court ruling granting class action status to its products. This decision paved the way for substantial class action lawsuits in which plaintiffs would pool their individual pain claims together.

The plaintiffs in this case hope that the jury will find in their favor and award them damages for their pain and suffering. Mylan is facing intense financial pressure as it sells millions of respiratory inhalers each year. A hung jury could mean the company will not only lose its claim against the plaintiffs, but may be liable for much more than just the costs of filing the lawsuit. If this were to occur, the financial burden on insurers and hospitals could become unsustainable. Regardless of the outcome of this litigation, one thing is clear: Mylan faces a serious danger of being found liable for the injuries sustained by thousands of its customers who received auto-injector devices from this company without adequate warning about the risks associated with these products.

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