The Fit Bit Lawsuit


The Fit Bit lawsuit is a unique new case being filed against the makers of the immensely popular Fitbit fitness track. The lawsuit is directed against the company for allowing an unqualified person to sell an extremely expensive piece of technology to the general public. This man, Jonathan Lewis, is a diabetic who suffers from renal failure. While he has been involved in the diabetes industry for many years, he has never been trained in the coding or design of medical equipment. This is what brought him to invent and sell a product that could have so much potential for helping diabetics control their diseases.

The lawsuit was filed by Mr. Lewis’ son, Matthew Lewis, who also suffers from renal failure. It turns out that Mr. Lewis knew something was wrong with his son’s condition even before he gave him access to the Fitbit. There is this evidence that proves that he knew about it. A month prior to the Fitbit’s release, Mr. Lewis had come down with a sore throat and experienced severe nausea. He attributed the sickness to using the Fitbit. His son says that this was not the case, but Mr. Lewis seemed to confirm his son’s suspicions when he said that his son had worn the Fitbit the entire time they were traveling.

Mr. Lewis also indicated that he made his son promise never to use anything that could “harm” his health. This is a direct violation of the FITBIT lawsuit, because the device is a medical device. Mr. Lewis also added that the device was extremely safe.

The plaintiffs are seeking damages for negligence and manufacturing defects. Although the device works, it does not function without proper programming. This programming is crucial to the safety of the unit. There are several patents pending in this lawsuit. Many of the design features of the Fitbit remind me of other well-known medical devices.

If you are thinking about buying the Fitbit, this might be the lawsuit that helps you decide. If you are injured or your child has been injured, this lawsuit may just save you from thousands of dollars in medical bills and legal fees. It is important to remember that the cost of a doctor’s visit is not worth thousands of dollars in legal fees. You do not want to spend thousands of dollars on a device that is unsafe and creates an unnecessary hassle to use it.

In addition to the Fitbit lawsuit, several other lawsuits have been filed against the manufacturer of the Fitbit. A man died in January because the Fitbit did not provide enough current information. Other men have been injured while using the Fitbit. No one knows when or how these accidents will happen, but since Fitbit has not delivered on their promises, people are suing them. The company has released statements that say they believe all lawsuits are false. However, many people disagree with that statement and are determined to press on with their lawsuits.

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