Metformin Lawsuit


A Lawsuit Against GlaxoSmithKline For Its Diabetes Drug, Metformin

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association there are currently three lawsuits that have been brought against GlaxoSmithKline, the company that produces metformin. The first was filed in December of 2021, with the claim that the metformin that is sold by GlaxoSmithKline was causing people to develop Type 2 diabetes. The claims states that GlaxoSmithKline did not disclose that the primary ingredient in metformin is a form of glucose, which increases the risk of developing diabetes.

The second metformin lawsuit was brought against GlaxoSmithKline by a group of former patients who claimed that the company had caused them cancer.

This time the plaintiffs were able to prove that the increased level of metformin they were taking caused their cancer. Both lawsuits were settled out of court. GlaxoSmithKline was ordered to pay compensations to the patients and to continue selling their anti-diabetic drug. No word yet on whether or not the cancer cases have been settled.

The third lawsuit was brought against GlaxoSmithKline by a nurse who was working for a nursing home that was known for having high levels of geriatric patients.

This type of care causes very high levels of glucose to be produced. This causes high levels of cholesterol to be deposited in the arteries. Both of these issues can lead to strokes and heart attacks. The nursing home was ordered to pay GlaxoSmithKline $1 million in compensatory damages and has been ordered to cease selling the drug.

Whether or not you should worry about a metformin lawsuit has to depend upon your situation.

If you lost your job and lost your ability to eat properly and you now suffer from diabetes, then you are in an excellent position. If this is your first time dealing with diabetes and you lost your job, then you need to talk to your doctor and see what he has to say about GlaxoSmithKline’s lawsuit. He may recommend that you continue taking the medication until you find another job. He may also decide to allow you to use the medication while you’re unemployed until you get a job.

If you are worried about the metformin lawsuit, you are far from alone.

GlaxoSmithKline is one of many major companies that make insulin medications. Many major companies faced lawsuits that they faced for their products being harmful to their consumers. These lawsuits cost the drug makers millions of dollars in settlements. Many of the settlements were for millions of dollars. It seems as if the drug makers did not care about the people who were suffering with diabetes until they were faced with a lawsuit.

Now that you know there is such a thing as a lawsuit against GlaxoSmithKline for a lawsuit, you may want to do some research on the GlaxoSmithKline and metformin case.

GlaxoSmithKline was found to be falsely advertising their medication to consumers who thought that it was safe for diabetes. They had advertised that the medication was not only good for their diabetes but also for cancer and heart disease. When the lawsuit came out, they lost their business for making false claims about their product.

7 thoughts on “Metformin Lawsuit

  1. i was taking metformin and it made me very sick i quite taking it right away come to find out i did not need it but i need to know if i am going to have a Longterm effect from this my health has never returned to the way it was before i started taking it i think it is due to metformin

  2. I’ve taken a lot of metformin when pre diabetic. I didn’t like it or the way it made me feel. Made me stop taking it .

  3. My husband has suffered severe Brain Trauma/Injury due to taking Metformin. How can I get my husband compensation so he can receive HBOT treatments to heal his brain or any other critical care? I can’t work, I need to care for him 🙁 after the harm they’ve done. Heartbroken! I want to sue them. They should be strung up! Any help appreciated! I’m in Florida.

  4. Has anyone taking metformin for type 2 diabetes experienced any amount of muscle loss?
    My 70 year old brother has been taking 2000 mg for 5 to 6 years now and he now has noticed extreme muscle loss in arms and legs.

    1. yes I have muscle loss amongst many other side effects from metformin, I developed type II diabetes, suffered a stroke, contracted neuropathy which they just recently revealed that it causes Neuropathy , I have multiple nerves in my legs that have died because of this drug can go on with numerous other side effects this dangerous drug has caused

    2. I have been on Metformin for many years. I have been complaining about severe muscle loss. I did not know this was a side effect. I have muscle loss in my legs and arms.

  5. Does anyone know if there is a law suit involving metformin causing total kidney failure? My kidneys now are at 51% after i almost passed.

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