Mold Lawsuit: Mold Issues and Landlord Claims


If you believe that your health has been affected by exposure to mold then you must immediately contact a New York attorney who deals with mold lawsuits. Mold lawsuits are very common and more prevalent than you may think, especially pertaining to residential rental units across the United States. If you have been experiencing stomach, nose, or throat irritation that has been attributed to mold, it is very likely that you have a valid mold lawsuit on your hands. These lawsuits are usually very serious and cover a wide variety of damages which can be quite substantial. Therefore, if you believe that you have been exposed to a potentially harmful mold contamination, you must immediately seek counsel from an experienced litigation lawyer in New York.

The typical settlement offered to victims of a mold problem consists of a financial award and a promise to never allow exposure of the type to take place again. Unfortunately, not all landlords and property management companies abide by this agreement. This is particularly true when it concerns large, complex, infrastructural buildings. Unfortunately, many landlords and property management companies do not offer the full scope of coverage outlined in their warranty agreements. Consequently, victims of such lawsuits may receive less damages than they would otherwise, if they had gone to court and pursued a lawsuit on their own behalf.

Mold problems can arise in any environment, but it is especially true in environments which are poorly maintained. In many cases, homeowners cannot identify a direct connection between their health problems and the presence of mold problems. For this reason, it can be difficult to determine if you have been exposed to a dangerous mold contamination.

When you or your family members become sick because of exposure to mold, your first step should always be to notify your landlord. Landlords need to know and understand that they are liable for health-related damages caused by their tenants’ mold damage. A personal property lawyer can help you determine whether or not your landlord has a responsibility to compensate you for these damages. If the personal property attorney finds that your landlord is in violation of your state’s statutes regarding landlord responsibilities, then your lawsuit can be brought against the landlord.

If the personal property lawyer cannot recover damages from your landlord on your behalf, then you may have to pursue smaller settlements. Your lawsuit will be significantly less complicated if you are only seeking small settlements, rather than large amounts of cash. The settlements that are agreed upon will generally be about forty percent of the original cost of your case, with the balance coming from your pocket. While smaller settlements may take longer to pay out than larger ones, the payment process can be much more reasonable.

Once you have contacted your landlord and determined that he or she is responsible for your mold issues, it is time to start working on a lawsuit. The lawsuit will not likely be easy, especially if you are working on an aggressive schedule. Mold issues involving personal property can be time-consuming and difficult to prove. However, if you have established a pattern of repeated mold issues, then your lawsuit may prove much easier to bring to court. A personal property attorney can help you build a strong lawsuit by working on your behalf. You may even receive monetary compensation on top of your settlement if your lawsuit is successful.

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